
How to Begin Your Passion Project

June 14, 2016

What is that one thing in your life that makes you truly happy? What inspires you? What makes your heart skip a beat? It’s easy to get caught up in life’s daily grind. You may feel that you’re at a standstill right now. Let’s discover something that makes you happy; something you really love. Today, I’m sharing the story of the creation of Sleepless in Sequins, along with some tips to begin your own passion project.

Three and a half years ago, I sat on the couch in our living room. I felt stuck in a rut, and I felt uninspired. We were recently married, and planning our wedding was a creative project that I loved. Once the wedding was over, I realized that I missed the planning. I wanted a project to work on everyday, aside from my 9 to 5 fashion job. I’m happiest when I’m busy, and at that time I felt a creative void in my life.

Grant convinced me to start a fashion blog, and 3 three and a half years ago, we created Sleepless in Sequins. Combining our love of fashion and photography has grown into a true passion project. Through it, I’ve experienced more than I ever thought possible. I’ve met inspiring people and it’s taught me even more about my industry. I’ve discovered my love for styling as well as writing.

Now, how can we make this experience work for you? I’ve come up with some helpful tips to begin your own passion project. So, kick your heels up, and read along.

Do What You Love

Sit down and brainstorm. If you could spend all of your time doing one thing, what would it be? Do you love painting, traveling, cooking, writing, fitness or photography? Maybe you love to volunteer and help others. I often find myself daydreaming about what I love to do; creating ideas and devising plans. What is that you love? The fun part about this is that you can make this project whatever you want it to be. There are no rules!

Build Your Empire

Now, how can you translate your love into a project? It should be something that you are excited about working towards. It’s fun to watch your project grow. You can create a website, write for a publication, teach, etc. Think about ways that you’d like to strengthen your passion, learn a little more, and maybe inspire others to do the same.

Crush Your Goals

What would you like to achieve with your passion project? Is it purely for fun? Would you like it to transition into a full time job? Would you like to monetize your project? Making a checklist does help to clarify your vision and purpose. Once you’ve identified these goals, the sky’s the limit. Charge full speed ahead!

Make a Few Besties

Reach out to people and connect with those who inspire you. It’s fun to learn from others. Is there someone you’d like to learn from or chat with? Maybe you could even interview them. Ask to meet for a cup of coffee and chat. Many amazing partnerships and collaborations stem from a simple conversation.

Be a Social Media Superstar!

Grow your social media following. This is so important! Most people want information at their fingertips. It’s a great way to connect with others, expand your knowledge, and discover new opportunities. This is something that I definitely work at, and strive to keep up with for my own site. It’s a challenge at times, but I treat it as part of my daily job. I’ll be honest, putting myself out there, and posting online made me nervous. I felt vulnerable and hesitant each time I posted. Self promotion can be tough, but it’s one of the best ways to reach others, and educate readers about your brand. Are you nervous about posting too much of your personal life? If so, keep it simple and keep it focused. I share a bit more of my personal life on Facebook with friends and family, however when it comes to Instagram and Twitter, I keep it fashion and photography focused. I have met some truly amazing people through social media, as well gained collaborations and partnerships this way. Overall, it’s a “win-win” and you choose how much you share online.

Party it up!

Attend as many events as possible. You never know who you’ll meet. Sometimes you just need to be in the right place at the right time. Sometimes you just need a little luck, and well…sometimes you need both. Networking can be a challenge, especially if you’re walking into a room full of people by yourself. Generally Grant and I attend events together, but there are some that I do attend alone. What do you do if you’re alone? Chat it up! I’ll walk up to a someone, or a small group and introduce myself. Ask a few questions and see if you connect with that person. You may have some things in common. If you do, great! If not, continue and try again. Sometimes being alone forces you to talk to people. That can be helpful. After a few years of doing this, I now walk into a room and will sometimes know several people since many of them are in the fashion blogging community.

Take a Chill Pill

Ughh…my greatest challenge. Practice patience! Remember that a passion project takes a while to grow. I know. You want instant gratification, right? You love this passion project, so it should be simple success right? The reality is that others may not easily understand your vision right away. That’s ok! Don’t worry about them. Keep your eyes on the prize and put your best foot forward. Believe in yourself and your vision. The rest will follow.

It Becomes Your Baby

Really…it does. You get out of your project, what you put into it, but you do need to remember balance as well. Although it may be a part time gig, putting in the extra hours does make a difference. Just remember to leave some time for yourself as well.

Kill ‘Em With Kindness

Always support others in your field. Although I blog part time, it is a job for me as well. With that, comes many other bloggers and peers in my industry. We collaborate on projects, and inspire each other. In terms of social media, make sure to like, follow, and comment on your peers posts. Show interest and show that you care. Of course, be honest about it. When it comes to events, show up! I try to make it to events my peers are hosting, and in turn, they show up to mine as well. It’s important to remember to build people up. Life isn’t a competition and you don’t live in this world alone. Be kind, gracious, supportive, and if you can, lend a helping hand. It matters.

Keep Dreamin’!

Continue to learn as much as you can about what you love. If it’s your passion project, this should be an easy one. Remember that the sky is the limit and you are capable of accomplishing anything you put your mind to. You are limitless and your are talented! Each one of you has something special and makes you unique. Channel this into positive energy. Build and create something that your proud of. I promise, it’s worth it.

So beauties, I hope you learned a bit today, and you feel ready to take on the world. You can, and you will! If you have any questions or need advice, as always, please feel free to reach out and email me. I’m happy to help, and I believe in you. Thank you for supporting our passion project, Sleepless in Sequins. It means more than you know. Sweet wishes for a successful week. xx

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