Fashion, Lifestyle, Travel

Life’s Golden (and Not So Golden) Path

April 15, 2018

Is there a light that guides you through life? A specific path that you must take, in order to reach your true destiny? And what is destiny anyways? There are days when I believe that it exists…that there is a true meaning for everything, and others, when the word seems like a flowery definition of what life is supposed to be.

I spent one, entirely outrageous year, experiencing everything from the not so good in life, to the very sweetest moments in life. Each morning, I woke up, not sure what the next day would bring. It’s the unknown, that makes me nervous, but the unknown that also keeps my on my toes.

After many busy work weeks, with not much of a breath in between, I felt myself wearing thin. It happens sometimes, and the daily grind can get the best of us. I had a quick opportunity to sneak away with Grant, to Miami, for a little weekend getaway…well let’s just say he worked, and I took some much needed time for some R&R. Although I did focus on blog content, I also spent time by myself, at the pool, with a few long walks on the beach. I crave and embrace those moments by myself. The months that had gone by felt like a whirlwind, and I needed time to just process my own life. And so I did just that. I took the time for myself, with no one to talk to, no one to answer to, and no one to entertain. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy being social, but needed these few days so badly. I loved every minute.

When it came time to shoot the gorgeous, white and gold dress that I had in mind for Miami, my plans fell through. I wanted the look to be airy, dreamy, and bright. We had limitations. We couldn’t shoot around the hotel, and I had to scrap my idea entirely. After several failed attempts at creating a new look, in our hotel room, I got frustrated. My plan didn’t work. What next? I was disappointed and ready to give up. I’m a planner…what can I say? With one glance into a small golden mirror, mounted on the wall, we decided to be creative, and play with the reflection of that golden light. It was symbolic, really. Without realizing it, in that moment, we created a look that I’m incredibly proud of. It was a challenge for both of us. A stray from the norm, and a step off that simple path that can become habit at times. As I reflect on the shoot…it was teamwork, and dream work. The look was edgy, sophisticated, even dark, and a bit retro…yet that glimmering golden light, still shined through.

Lesson learned? Your journey is what you make of it. Embrace the spontaneity in life. Surprises are few and far between. Some aren’t so hot, but others are just golden. In those golden moments, look back at your reflection, remembering where you came from, and where you’d like to go. You may not always know the answers. You may get lost along the way, but you’ll always find your path. That my friends, is what I call destiny.

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1 Comment

  • Reply Kasia April 16, 2018 at 10:30 pm

    You are so right girl. Sometimes we strive for perfection but life throws our plans out the window. It’s what you do with that situation that sets us apart. I think this photo shoot was meant to be. Beautiful

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