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Lifestyle, Motherhood

If Time Stood Still

September 29, 2019

“Hey! How’s the baby? You look great. I hope you’re still writing.” Oh no…busted. When recently asked these questions, I realized that my writing has come to screeching hault. Ever since London was born, my world has been spinning in the best, but craziest way possible. My hands and brain are rarely free to put words on paper.

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Lifestyle, Motherhood

Searching for Answers

September 19, 2019

Lately I’ve given much thought to a simple phrase I’ve heard throughout my life, mostly when it comes to brand new challenges. “You know what to do.” I’ve heard these words spoken in the very beginning of my career, often accompanied with,”figure it out.” Everyone says this to me. The confidence is appreciated, however I feel as though it’s the theme of my life. I’ll admit that when I asked a question or felt lost, and received either of these two responses, it left me with my wheels spinning. I’d ask for advice, but would come out completely empty handed. As a result, I’d feel fairly overwhelmed.

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