
Fuck Fear

October 15, 2018

You’ve failed and you’ve got to start over. You think it’s the end of the world, right? There’s that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. You think you’re the only one out there. You feel like everyone knows, and you won’t be respected. But you know what you’re actually wrong about? That very thought.

You’ve got to start over, and scrape yourself off the pavement. You question how it’s going to go. How will you face that challenge again, and what if you fail once more? Do you feel fear? Inevitably.

Failure often teaches us more than success. When success comes easy, it doesn’t mean as much. The victory doesn’t feel quite as sweet. Often the path to get there is one we travel alone, and it can feel dark. Don’t let it. Look for the light. It’s always there. If you cannot find it, keep searching. It lives within you. I promise.

Take the leap of faith. Start over, and breathe. I believe in you. With strength, courage, and faith, find your wings. Fuck fear. Just jump.

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