Fashion, Lifestyle

Be Your Own Superhero

October 29, 2017

Halloween. You like it or you don’t. Generally I’m not a fan, however for a good cause, and the right friends, I’ll slip into a costume for a night of spook-tacular chaos. Just watching people in their crazy costumes is worth the laugh.

We were headed to the 3rd Annual “Scaring is Caring” Halloween Benefit, hosted by our good friend Natalie Zfat and Lauren Scala, which is held each year in support of the fight against brain cancer. Good cause, and good friends…double check! So, I set out in search of a Halloween costume.

Typically I’d go for something feminine and frilly. I’d be a flapper, Audrey Hepburn, Shirley Temple decked in pin curls, and when all else failed, I throw on a black dress, cat ears, and I’d call it a night. This year however, I passed right by the feminine and frilly, and went staight for the “fighter.” The only choice in my head…superhero. Specifically, Super Woman.

There was something about the idea of Super Woman that I was drawn to. There always is, but I felt stronger about it this year than any other. The idea of battling through life, taking on everything it throws at you…the good and the bad. Super hero means super powers, right? How many times have you doubted yourself, questioned yourself, or been hesitant to tackle a challenge for fear of failure? Too many. Way too many. What I always discover is that I surprise myself, more times than I can count. I truly believe that you do too.

The day of the party, I slipped into my shiny red skirt, with a blue, sequined Super Woman corset, matching armbands, and a red satin choker that I designed for the costume. There was something about the way that I felt that night…and the days after. My goofy, superhero costume, gave me a protected, new found confidence. Playing Super Woman that night actually made me feel strong, powerful, and able to acheive anything. I thought about it the rest of the week, and realized that I need to train my mind to think this way. If you believe in yourself, while wearing a superhero cape or not, nothing can stop you.

So, if you do have super powers, (and I know you do), use them. Use them to protect you, to help you, to guide you in fighting through each day; the good and the bad. Use them to believe in yourself; to tackle those challenges and face them with pride. Help, and support the people you love in your life. Be a good person; kind, caring, and unstoppable. Be your own superhero, every single day. Happy Halloween, my loves!

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