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Christy Linens


Planning a Wimbledon Watch Party

June 16, 2015

The Wimbledon 2015 Championships are just around the corner and I am beyond excited. Those of you close to me, know that fitness is a true love of mine and tennis is one of my favorite sports. When I was young, my sister and I played tennis in school, took lessons together, and battled it out on the court. My sister is petite and blonde, with an angelic look. Anyone that walked on a court with her might mistaken her strength and skill, judging by her size and appearance alone. She never fooled me though. Small, but mighty, my sister is also fast and fierce. She would beat my booty in every single match. I always thought I was decent at the game, until she took hold of a racquet. She would run me all over the court, and just when I thought I had her conquered, she’d smash a shot over the net, just to show me who’s boss. I loved playing with her. Our summer tennis matches have sadly become few and far between ever since I moved to New York, and she is in Florida. I don’t have a tennis buddy here and courts are tough to come by.

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