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Fashion Illustration


Re-discovering My Love for Fashion Illustration

July 10, 2016

Have you ever had a hobby or a love that you put aside for awhile? Maybe you didn’t have the time for it, maybe you let life get in the way, or maybe you just forgot how much you loved it. Well, the same is true for me. Up until this weekend, I forgot how much I absolutely love sketching and creating fashion illustrations. I haven’t sketched for several years. I used to spend days, weeks, and hours designing, and sketching my heart out, sitting at coffee shops all afternoon and loving every second of it. My mind would wander, as my hands would fly across my pages, creating sketch after sketch. In college, I was a teaching assistant for a fashion illustration class. I helped students learn to illustrate, and it made me so happy. Since moving to New York, and working in the fashion industry, I somehow stopped creating on my own. This weekend, however, I was so excited to get the opportunity, to try out several of Prismacolor’s art products. Staples is currently running a fabulous promotion for the supplies, which you can find here.

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