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Fashion, Lifestyle

A Birthday Wish

August 16, 2018

August 15th, and it’s another trip around the sun. Today, I celebrate life. More specifically, I celebrate MY life. The good days, the glorious days, the worst days, the unexpected days, and every other one in between. To be entirely honest, in my mind, this birthday was supposed to be different. I thought I’d celebrating in a different way, munching on a few extra slices slices of cake, sipping water, rather than champagne, and looking forward to a little life on the horizon, instead of focusing on my own.

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Fashion, Lifestyle

A Birthday Wish

August 12, 2016

Another candle on the cake. Another year in the books. Another year to reflect upon what was, but more importantly, another year to look forward, with hopes that this year will be better than the last. And you know what…it will be. It always is.

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